March Madness: Scholarship Deadlines

March Madness has begun! March Madness is when Seniors realize that their time at Peekskill High School is less than 4 months away from coming to an end and frantically begin to seek out what they are going to do after High School. They begin to frantically seek out ways to pay for college and realize that it’s very expensive. However, there is help out there BUUUUT THEY MUST SEEK IT ON THEIR OWN, FREE MONEY DOES NOT SEEK YOU OUT! Currently, there are 25 scholarships that have a deadlines that end in March. MAKE SURE TO APPLY BY THE DEADLINE!! If you have not done so already, make sure to see Ms. Gordineer in the College Resource Center to get more information on any scholarship or college related advice. Visit the College Resource Centers page at
1. Alpha Delta Kappa, Delta Chapter
Young minority females, who are pursuing a career in teaching, seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
2. American Chemical Society Scholars Program
Seniors must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Must have GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate financial need. Applicant should be going into a field of Chemical Science. Contact:
3. Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York
‘Ned Carter Scholarship’
Seniors must be related to or be a firefighter in an affiliated member organization of the association of Fire Districts of the State of New York and must reside within New York State. Contact:
4. The Auxiliary of Hudson Valley Hospital Center
The applicant must be a graduating senior of a high school in the Hudson Valley Hospital Center area. The applicant must plan to pursue a career in healthcare and has a record of academic achievement and potential for finishing career goal. Consideration will be given to the demonstration of the need for financial aid. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
5. Circolo Da Vinci
Must be a graduating senior of Italian-American descent (at least one parent of Italian-American descent) planning to attend formalized program in his/her prospective field. Contact:
6. Civitan International Foundation
High school seniors and undergraduates in their final year. Applicants must be pursuing a career in higher education, special education, vocational education, health care services and the teaching of social studies. Contact:
7. Delta Kappa Gamma Society-Alpha Phi Chapter
Female seniors who are planning to pursue a career in the teaching profession. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
8. Dr. Joseph Fontana Scholarship
Seniors who will be continuing their education in the field of music as a major or minor. Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
9. Glaser Orthodontics
Seniors interested in pursuing a career in the health field. Applicants are required to write a 500 word essay on “Why I Want a Career in the Health Field” and complete the application form. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
10. Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber 2012 Scholarship Program
The Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber awards one scholarships per school to students in attendance at Croton-Harmon, Hendrick Hudson, Lakeland, Peekskill, Putnam Valley and Walter Panas High Schools. The $1,000 scholarship awards are given annually to students who are high school seniors pursuing advanced level education. Applications will be available by March 1st. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
11. Jackie Robinson Scholarship
Minority graduating high school seniors who have been accepted by a four year accredited college/university. Leadership and financial need will be considered. Contact:
12. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity , Inc.
Minority students that demonstrate high academic achievement and displays attributes that suggest success as a college student. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
13. Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation
This scholarship is being offered to students who have been affected by breast cancer in some way. A typed essay, school transcript, SAT scores and 3 letters of recommendation. Contact:
14. Nu Psi Zeta Chapter Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Must be African –American males or females, who have an 80 average or better and have participated in community service. Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
15. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Must be African-American or Latino males residing in Westchester or Rockland County and have a GPA of 80% or better and SAT scores of 1.200. Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)
16. Thurgood Marshall Scholarship
Seniors who have at least a “B” average pursuing a degree in any discipline at one of the 47 TMCF “member schools”. Contact:
17. American Postal Workers Union
High school seniors who are children or grandchildren of American Postal Workers Union members. Contact:
18. Ellen Masin Persina Scholarship
This scholarship is open to high school seniors who have been accepted to college and plan to pursue a career in journalism. Applicants must demonstrate an ongoing interest in journalism through work in high school and/or other media, submit a one-page essay on why they want to pursue a career in journalism and have at least a 3.0 GPA in high school. Contact:
19. Earthwatch Expeditions Inc.
High school students interested in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, environmental studies, biology or marine science. Recipients are given an opportunity to work in the field for 2-3 weeks with a professional scientist on a research expedition. Contact:
20. Air Force Aid Society Grant
Dependent children of either an active duty, deceased, disabled or retired officer from the Air Force. Grant is based on financial aid and a minimum 2.0 GPA. Contact:
21. DeVry Inc. Scholarship Program
High school graduates who wish to enroll in a fully accredited bachelors of Science degree program at one of the DeVry institutes. Must maintain a 2.5 to renew it. Contact:
22. Justicia en Diversidad Scholarship Fund
For Latino heritage high school seniors interested in law. Applicants must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Student must be from a high school in the United States. Must be planning to attend a 4 year U.S. college full time. Contact:
23. National Association of Hispanic Journalists NHSF Scholarship Committee
For high school seniors, undergraduates or graduate students majoring in journalism. Must be pursuing a major in communications. Contact:
24. Falu Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is open to Hispanic students who are interested in pursuing a career in technology. High school seniors, high school graduates, and currently enrolled college students may apply. Candidates must be dependents of parents/guardians who died or were permanently disabled during the September 11th tragedies. Contact:
25. Victor Ridder Memorial Scholarship
Graduating seniors who participate in community service and demonstrate academic performance. Seniors with a GPA of 3.9 Contact: College Resource Center (Mrs. Gordineer)