Should You Exercise?

39.6% of Americans are overweight or obese. That is around 160 million people who are unhealthy and have a risk of heart disease, stroke, and even kidney problems. An article published by in 2014 states that compared to 1980, the obesity rate was at 19%. That is almost a 21% jump in only 34 years. That is a massive problem that needs to be addressed more frequently everywhere. 

Most obese people might say, “I don’t have the time to exercise,” or “I’m healthy just the way I am,” but these statements are completely wrong. First, exercise doesn’t have to be 2-3 hours in a gym; it could be a jog around the block a few times or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Exercise isn’t that hard of a concept to comprehend, but people tend to take the easier route in life instead of the harder route, even if it means that it could potentially be harmful to yourself in the near future. 

Second, you may think that you’re healthy but in due time your medical record will say otherwise. Obesity isn’t just a title; it’s technically a way of life. It affects what you do and how you do it. Someone who is “healthy” wouldn’t have to worry about heart disease at an age under 40. Obese people, however, have a much higher risk of many health problems. Some are type-two diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems, and gallstones, among other conditions. Obesity could also lead to other health risks, such as going into cardiac arrest, having a stroke, and even obtaining cancer.  Obesity isn’t something to take lightly.

Exercise is easy enough that everyone can do it, no matter what. If you wish to live a long and fulfilling life, take 30 minutes out of your day and get active.  If you can’t commit to exercise regularly, most people can commit to limiting what you eat. The result of this simple activity could be weight loss. In this way, we all have the chance to take control of this problem by watching how and what we eat.